A Look At Public Napping in Asia

A Look at Public Napping in Asia is a project of collected images spanning 2012 - 2019 in Guangzhou, Chongqing, Hainan, and Hong Kong. Upon roaming the streets of Asia, it doesn't take much to notice how serious of a practice napping is in everyday life. So serious it seems that people are simply unplugged from their power source starting at 1pm. Each city becomes a place of nursery-level quiet and repose. Most amazing is how vulnerable some of these napping spots appear -- on a concrete sidewalk directly next to a busy street, sprawled out between two plastic chairs in the center of an open-air restaurant, or perfectly balanced on top of a to-go delivery motocycle. Each napper with only one goal, to detach from the pressure of their never ending work day and just breathe. What if we could simply unplug where we are, take a deep breath, close our weary eyes and let go?